Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 2.395**
- H-Index: 8
- ISSN: 2474-1647
- DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647
Major Scope
- Gastroenterological Surgery
- Breast Surgery
- Surgical Oncology
- Transplant Surgery
- Endocrine Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Neurological Surgery
- Emergency Surgery
Citation: Clin Surg. 2024;9(1):3726.Case Report | Open Access
Odontogenic Carcinoma with Dentinoid Involving the Maxilla: Case Report and Literature Review
Al-Awady A, Lerner D, Bhardwaj S, Westra WH and Iloreta AM
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA
Department of Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA
*Correspondance to: Abdurrahman Al-Awady
PDF Full Text DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647.3726
Objective: To report a rare case of odontogenic carcinoma with dentinoid involving the maxilla and highlight the challenges in diagnosing and managing this uncommon entity.
Methods: A 19-year-old male presented with nasal congestion, intermittent cheek pain, and left cheek numbness. Imaging revealed a 5.6 cm mineralized mass in the left maxillary sinus with cortical destruction. Multiple biopsies were performed, with the final pathology confirming odontogenic carcinoma with dentinoid.
Results: The patient underwent left infrastructure maxillectomy with microvascular fibula free flap reconstruction. Final pathology showed odontogenic carcinoma with dentinoid without perineural or lymphovascular invasion and negative margins. No adjuvant therapy was recommended, and the patient has shown no evidence of recurrence to date.
Conclusion: Odontogenic carcinoma with dentinoid is a rare, locally destructive malignancy that can be challenging to diagnose due to its rarity and histological similarity to benign odontogenic tumors. This case highlights the importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion for malignancy in odontogenic tumors with aggressive features and the need for thorough diagnostic workup, including multiple biopsies if necessary.
Maxillofacial surgery; General dental; Mouth; Oral pathology; Pediatric ORL; Endoscopic sinus surgery; Rhinology; Oncology
Cite the article
Al-Awady A, Lerner D, Bhardwaj S, Westra WH, Iloreta AM. Odontogenic Carcinoma with Dentinoid Involving the Maxilla: Case Report and Literature Review. Clin Surg. 2024; 9: 3726..