Journal Basic Info

  • Impact Factor: 1.995**
  • H-Index: 8
  • ISSN: 2474-1647
  • DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647
**Impact Factor calculated based on Google Scholar Citations. Please contact us for any more details.

Major Scope

  •  Breast Surgery
  •  Robotic Surgery
  •  Thoracic Surgery
  •  Ophthalmic Surgery
  •  Emergency Surgery
  •  Plastic Surgery
  •  Gastroenterological Surgery
  •  Cardiovascular Surgery


Citation: Clin Surg. 2019;4(1):2550.Case Report | Open Access

Improved Angina Symptoms Following Coronary Sinus Flow Reducer Implantation in a Patient with Refractory Angina and Chronic Total Occlusion: A Case Report

Crt Langel, Mrak Miha, Nejc Pavsic and Matjaz Bunc

Department of Radiology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
Department of Cardiology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia

*Correspondance to: Matjaz Bunc 

 PDF  Full Text DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647.2550


Due to ageing population and increased survival of the patients with coronary artery disease there is an increasing number of patients with debilitating angina refractory to optimal medical treatment who are not candidates for revascularization. Even more, up to 30% of patients have symptoms of angina 1 year after revascularization, some with no additional revascularization options. In case of low ischemic load, the treatment of stable refractory angina is aimed at symptom reduction. There are several new treatment methods targeting myocardial ischemia available. We report a case of a patient with unsuccessful PCI of RCA CTO suffering from refractory angina successfully treated with Coronary sinus Flow Reducer (CFR).


Chest pain; Refractory angina pectoris; Myocardial ischemia; Coronary sinus flow reducer; Chronic total occlusion

Cite the article

Langel C, Miha M, Pavsic N, Bunc M. Improved Angina Symptoms Following Coronary Sinus Flow Reducer Implantation in a Patient with Refractory Angina and Chronic Total Occlusion: A Case Report. Clin Surg. 2019; 4: 2550..

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