Journal Basic Info

  • Impact Factor: 1.995**
  • H-Index: 8
  • ISSN: 2474-1647
  • DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647
**Impact Factor calculated based on Google Scholar Citations. Please contact us for any more details.

Major Scope

  •  Surgical Oncology
  •  Emergency Surgery
  •  Urology
  •  Ophthalmic Surgery
  •  Obstetrics Surgery
  •  General Surgery
  •  Neurological Surgery
  •  Thoracic Surgery


Citation: Clin Surg. 2021;6(1):3070.Case Report | Open Access

Abdominal Wall Abscess Secondary to Fish Bone Ingestion - A Case Report

Nolasco Vaz J1*, Peixoto S2 , Correia V1 , Ramos C1 , Lavado C1 and Coutinho J1

1Department of General Surgery, Centro Hospitalar Universit?rio Lisboa Norte, Portugal 2Department of Radiology, Centro Hospitalar Universit?rio Lisboa Norte, Portugal

*Correspondance to: Joana Nolasco Vaz 

 PDF  Full Text DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647.3070


Foreign Body (FB) ingestion is commonly encountered in clinical practice and fish bone ingestion accounts for most of adult admissions, resulting mainly from accidental ingestions. However less than 1% of patients will need surgery for resulting complications. We report a case of a 59 year old female presented with abdominal pain resulting from an abdominal wall abscess secondary to fish bone bowel perforation. She didn?t recall having ingested any fish bones. A conservative approach failed and only after FB removal did clinical resolution occur. This case highlights a chronic presentation of FB bowel perforation, with no evidence of the perforation site, and the need to remove the FB to solve the infectious process.


Fish bone; Abdominal wall abscess

Cite the article

Nolasco Vaz J, Peixoto S, Correia V, Ramos C, Lavado C, Coutinho J. Abdominal Wall Abscess Secondary to Fish Bone Ingestion - A Case Report. Clin Surg. 2021; 6: 3070..

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