Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 2.395**
- H-Index: 8
- ISSN: 2474-1647
- DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647
Major Scope
- Transplant Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Surgical Oncology
- Robotic Surgery
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Ophthalmic Surgery
Citation: Clin Surg. 2020;5(1):2990.Case Report | Open Access
Surgical Management of an Intrathoracic Desmoid Tumor: A Rare Presentation
Santivanez JJ1*, Diaz A2 , Jimenez A3 and Garcia-Herreros LG
1 Department of Surgery, Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia 2 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia 3 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia
*Correspondance to: Juan Jose Santivanez
PDF Full Text DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647.2990
Desmoid tumor is a rare connective tissue tumor, accounting for approximately 3.5% of connective tissue tumors and 0.3% of all solid tumors. It can originate in any part of the body; however, we find them more frequently in extremities, thorax and abdomen. True intrathoracic desmoid tumors however (arise within the thoracic cavity) are remarkably rare. The main problem is the ability to continue growing more than in another location and the high relapse rates of this tumor. Adequate surgical resection with negative margins is the treatment of choice; however in cases of positive margins, advanced stages of the disease, or in unresectable locations, other therapies are being used. We present a case of a left parietal pleural 22 cm desmoid tumor that occupied the entire left pleural space with severe adhesions, and complete collapse of the lower lobe.
Desmoid tumor; Chest wall; Intrathoracic; Intrapleural
Cite the article
Santivanez JJ, Diaz A, Jimenez A, Garcia-Herreros LG. Surgical Management of an Intrathoracic Desmoid Tumor: A Rare Presentation. Clin Surg. 2020; 5: 2990.