Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 2.395**
- H-Index: 8
- ISSN: 2474-1647
- DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647
Major Scope
- Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Urology
- Transplant Surgery
- Emergency Surgery
- Vascular Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Breast Surgery
Citation: Clin Surg. 2018;3(1):2037.Case Report | Open Access
Non-Operative Treatment of Intracystic Papilloma in the Male Breast
Chung Heeseok, Park Jaewoo and Park Sunhee
Department of Surgery, Gwangju Veterans Hospital, South Korea
Department of Surgery, Chosun University, South Korea
Department of Pathology, Gwangju Veterans Hospital, South Korea
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Chosun University, South Korea
*Correspondance to: Chung Heeseok
PDF Full Text DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647.2037
Intracystic Papilloma (ICP) in male breast is rare and only 13 cases of ICP in men have been reported worldwide so far. In all cases, local excision or mastectomy is performed immediately upon diagnosis for treatment of ICP. This case report describes a patient who was diagnosed with a benign cyst by core-needle biopsy and had received only non-operative management for 10 years. Then, this patient underwent local excision and diagnosed with ICP. The lump did not become malignant after 10 years from initial diagnosis. We suggest that immediate surgical excision may not always be necessary for ICP of the male breast after diagnosis by core-needle biopsy.
Cite the article
Heeseok C, Jaewoo P, Sunhee P. Non-Operative Treatment of Intracystic Papilloma in the Male Breast. Clin Surg. 2018; 3: 2037.