Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 2.395**
- H-Index: 8
- ISSN: 2474-1647
- DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647
Major Scope
- Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
- Transplant Surgery
- Gynecological Surgery
- Breast Surgery
- Emergency Surgery
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Gastroenterological Surgery
Citation: Clin Surg. 2017;2(1):1549.Research Article | Open Access
Using Entropy in the General Anesthesia Managements
Elif Büyükerkmen, Remziye Gül Sivaci and Elif Doğan Baki
Departement of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
*Correspondance to: Elif Do?an Baki
PDF Full Text DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647.1549
Purpose: We aimed to investigate the effects of three general anesthesic management on depth of anesthesia, anesthesic quality, agent consumption and postoperative recovery.Materials and
Methods: 90 patients scheduled for elective tympanoplasty and septoplasty surgery with American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) pysical status between I-III were included in this study. Neuromuscular transmission (NMT), surgical pleth index (SPI) and entropy were monitorized in addition to standart monitoring. Entropy was recorded as state entropy (SE) and response entropy (RE). After standart anesthesia induction, patients were divided into three groups according to maintenance of anesthesia using a sealed envelope system. Propofol 3-5 mg/kg/h iv infusion was performed to Group 1 (Group P, n=30), Desflurane 1MAC was used to Group 2 (Group D, n=30) and Sevoflurane to Group 3 (Group S, n=30). Also, rocuronium and remifentanyl infusion were used in maintenance. While desflurane and sevoflurane consumption were recorded from the anesthesia directly, propofol consumption was calculated through the consumption of perfusors and recorded at the end of the surgery. Total cost of anesthetics that used were calculated by multiplying the unit price with their consumption. Apart from these, hemodynamic values of all patients, recovery time, alertness levels in the recovery room (according to Ramsey Scale) were recorded.Results: Significant differences were found between the three groups in terms of cost. While the cost of propofol was significantly lower, it was significantly higher in desfluane group. Also awareness and postoperative hemodynamics were observed to be more stable in propofol and sevoflurane group patients.Conclusıon: We concluded that propofol anesthesia decreased the cost significantly.
Propofol; Desflurane; Sevoflurane; Entropy; Cost; Recovery
Cite the article
B�y�kerkmen E, Sivaci RG, Baki ED. Using Entropy in the General Anesthesia Managements. Clin Surg. 2017; 2: 1549.