Journal Basic Info
- Impact Factor: 2.395**
- H-Index: 8
- ISSN: 2474-1647
- DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647
Major Scope
- Breast Surgery
- Emergency Surgery
- Endocrine Surgery
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Gastroenterological Surgery
Citation: Clin Surg. 2016;1(1):1191.Research Article | Open Access
Breast Cancer in Previously Lactating Women
Amer Hashim Al Ani, Ehab Totah, Moaed Lumbar, Monther Abu Reden, Husaen Shamot and Awad Al Domour
Department of General Surgery, Sheikh Khalifa Hospital, United Arab Emirates
Department of General Surgery, Al-Bashir Teaching Hospital, Jordan
*Correspondance to: Amer Hashim Al Ani
PDF Full Text DOI: 10.25107/2474-1647.1191
Background: Many studies suggest that women who breast-fed had a decreased risk of developing breast cancer (ranging from 10-64%) compared to women who never breast-fed. some studies revealed that breast-feeding had no influence on the risk of developing breast cancer. Breast-feeding may be more protective against the development of premenopausal compared to postmenopausal breast cancer. Although there are a few studies that report a decrease in the risk of breast cancer after only three or more months of breast-feeding, the evidence for risk reduction becomes more consistent the longer women breast-feed. Breast cancer in previously lactating women is rarely dealt with in the medical literatures.Patients and
Methods: From January 2009 to May 2012, fifty previously lactating women with breast cancer were studied in Al Bashir teaching hospital Amman. Jordan. Their age was ranging from 27-70 years, number of their children were ranging from 3-8 with history of breast feeding for 3months to 3years.The clinical presentation, and ultrasound characteristics, mammogram findings, & histopathological criteria were examined.Results: Breast cancer in lactating women was present in right breast in 23 patients (46%), in left breast in 27 patients (54%). It was present in upper outer quadrant in 27 patients (54%), upper inner quadrant in8 patients (16 %), lower outer quadrant in 10 patients (20%), and in lower inner quadrant in 2 patients (4%). presenting symptoms were: mass in 25 patients (50%), nipple retraction in 10 patients (20%), ulceration in 5 patients (10%), nipple discharge, or skin tethering in 4 patients each (8 %), and pain in 2 patients (4%). By ultrasound 21 lesions (42%) were hypo-echoic, 19 lesions (38%) were of mixed echogenicity, 5 lesions (10%) were isoechoic & 5 lesions (10%) were hyper -echoic. By mammogram 15 lesions (30%) were radio opaque, 12 lesions (24 %) were of low opacity, and 2 lesions (4%) were radio lucent. In 4 lesions (8%) micro calcifications were present, in 3 lesions (6%) macro calcifications were present, the mass was speculated in 9 lesions (18%) & skin thickening were present in 5 patients (10%) of lesions. Forty seven lesions (94%) were ductal carcinoma, 2 lesions (4%) were lobular carcinoma, and only 1case (2%) was malignant phylloid tumor. Thirty one lesions (62%) were poorly differentiated, 19 lesions (38%) were moderately differentiated, and no well differentiated lesions were detected.Conclusion: Breast cancer in lactating women is mostly ductal carcinoma that is present as a mass in upper outer quadrant of left breast, which is hypo-echoic by ultrasound, radio opaque by mammogram and of poor differentiation. These findings need to be reviewed with a larger number of patients.
Cite the article
Al Ani AH, Totah E, Lumbar M, Abu Reden M, Shamot H, Al Domour A. Breast Cancer in Previously Lactating Women. Clin Surg. 2016; 1: 1191.