
Inaugural Issue – Endocrine Surgery

Andrey Kvachenyuk*
Department of Endocrine Surgery, State Institution “V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: Andrey Kvachenyuk, Department of Endocrine Surgery, State Institution “V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, National Academy of Medical Science, Ukraine

Published: 21 Aug, 2017
Cite this article as: Kvachenyuk A. Inaugural Issue – Endocrine Surgery. Clin Surg. 2017; 2: 1597.


The accumulation of scientific and practical experience in the treatment of patients with pathology of the pituitary, thyroid, pancreatic, adrenal and other endocrine glands formed a new, progressing at a rapid pace, and evolutionary direction of medicine - Endocrine Surgery. Among other sections of surgery, it occupies a special place not only as a comparatively young branch of medicine, but also because it is distinguished by the need for fundamental general biological and general medical knowledge among surgeons, without which it is impossible to operate endocrine patients. Surgical aspects of endocrine pathology began to develop particularly successfully as a result of the interdisciplinary cooperation of doctors of various specialties: surgeons, endocrinologists, therapists, biochemists, morphologists, and others. The progress of Endocrine Surgery was facilitated by the development of treatment centers for patients with endocrine glands pathology, which also solve scientific and methodological problems.
It should be noted that today the number of endocrine patients, requiring surgical disposal of suffering, preservation and even improvement of the life quality after the surgical interference - is increasing. The rapid development of science creates a significant amount of information that can be managed only in the system approach in the work, both with sources of received information, and with patients requiring adequate application of this knowledge.
Finally, the developments of modern diagnostic and surgical technologies break new ground for science and practice in solving the problems of surgical endocrinology.
The Clinics in Surgery Journal contains both: the necessary basic information about etiopathogenesis, clinical unit and diagnosis of endocrine diseases, and a wide range of modern surgical aspects. The last one is very important and can be guided while both in mastering the fundamentals of surgical endocrinology and in developing of this direction in organizational, methodological and scientific-practical relations. The Clinics in Surgery Journal expands the doctors' views on the possibilities of modern medicine, shifting the emphasis towards operational capabilities. In Clinics in Surgery Journal we invite the participated scientists from USA and whole world who have a wide experience of scientific and clinical work with endocrine patients. These recognized specialists will actively promote modern rational surgical approaches in the treatment of such patients and rightfully fill the existing gap in the medical literature, which is so necessary today for a wide range of practical doctors.